Almost extinct Caribbean lizard makes a comeback after island restoration

Almost extinct Caribbean lizard makes a comeback after island restoration

A tiny lizard found only on one tiny Caribbean island has seen a dramatic 1,500% increase in its population, after just a few years of island restoration efforts. In 2018, researchers estimated there were fewer than 100 individuals of the critically endangered Sombrero ground lizard (Pholidoscelis corvinus) on the small hat-shaped Sombrero Island, part of […]

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Rare Invasive Insects Intercepted at Dulles Airport Pose Economic Threat

Rare Invasive Insects Intercepted at Dulles Airport Pose Economic Threat

In a surprising discovery, Customs and Border Protection inspectors at Dulles International Airport recently encountered two exotic insects not typically seen in the Washington, D.C. area. On October 7, during a routine inspection of a flower shipment from South Africa, officials identified two potentially harmful species that could pose significant threats to local agriculture.  […]

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Invasive species are often threatened in their native ranges

Invasive species are often threatened in their native ranges

Many species that are considered invasive in areas where they’ve been introduced may actually be threatened with extinction in their home ranges. A new study published in Conservation Letters explores this conservation paradox, asking whether or not nonnative species that are endangered in their native range should be protected or controlled. “We were interested in […]

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