Flooding caused by rapidly expanding hydroelectric dams in the tropics is pushing many jaguars and tigers to the brink of extinction.

Flooding caused by rapidly expanding hydroelectric dams in the tropics is pushing many jaguars and tigers to the brink of extinction.

New research just published, finds hydropower development to satisfy the growing human demand for energy has become one of the major drivers of habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation everywhere. The dams create massive reservoirs, which drown out the homes of many creatures, including these apex predators. The scientists found no less than 164 dams intruding […]

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Jaguars in Mexico are growing in number, a promising sign that national conservation strategies are working

Jaguars in Mexico are growing in number, a promising sign that national conservation strategies are working

The jaguar population in Mexico increased by about 800 animals from 2010 to 2018, according to the first two censuses of the elusive carnivores ever conducted in the country. The news confirms that Mexico’s national strategy to protect jaguars is working, researchers reported recently in the journal PLOS One. “It was incredible to see jaguars […]

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Study Reveals 1,470 Jaguars Killed or Displaced in Brazilian Amazon

Study Reveals 1,470 Jaguars Killed or Displaced in Brazilian Amazon

A Panthera study revealed that a staggering 1,470 jaguars in the Brazilian Amazon are estimated to have been killed or displaced. All between 2016 to 2019 from forest fires and deforestation. Panthera, the global wild cat conservation organization, along with other institutes, assessed the jaguar population based on a satellite imagery database. This assessment led […]

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Hungry like the maned wolf pup: Clips give rare glimpse of elusive canine

Hungry like the maned wolf pup: Clips give rare glimpse of elusive canine

A camera trap in Argentina’s Iberá National Park has revealed rare images of one of the world’s most elusive species: the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus). A series of clips shows three maned wolf cubs playing by themselves outside their den, then nursing and eating regurgitated food provided by their mother, whom researchers have named Preta. […]

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