A second late summer visit to the Everglades Agricultural Area was rewarding for a handful of species photographed this week. An early departure from Fort Myers with Bird Patrol volunteer Tom Obrock allowed a near sunrise arrival at the sod fields on Hatton Road just south of FL SR 80 that had been noted to […]
Tag: Killdeer

Birding By The Sea
Well, this is not actually a post about birding by the sea, but birding by the Long Island Sound at Hammonasset Beach State Park. Images in this post are from a trip to Hammonasset in mid-January when I met world eBirders Julie Hart and Daniel Schlaepfer with four additional visits in February. Julie was kind […]

Fraile (Killdeer) Charadrius vociferus
Durante mi viaje a Cuba he tenido la oportunidad de fotografiar al Fraile mientras realizaba una caminata de 4 kilómetros para llegar hasta Cayo Buba. En un determinado punto del trayecto fuí observando que la arena de la playa daba lugar a restos triturados de caracoles que cubrían toda la superficie de la playa y […]

A Lost Opportunity At Hammonasset
For a handful of days after mid April 2017 Hammonasset Beach State Park was host to a rare species of bird for its time and place. The Killdeer above (image 1) was photographed at Hammonasset Beach State Park in April 2017. A conscientious effort on my part to avoid bad […]

Early Migration At The Everglades Ag Area
A spectacular destination for the observation of migrating shorebirds is within the Everglades Agricultural Area adjacent to Belle Glade, Florida. The Everglades agricultural fields encompass about 700,000 acres which are predominately planted with sugarcane. Preceding crop rotation the fields are flooded to control pests, with rice typically grown offering a conditioning of the soil as […]

Photographers sometimes shy away from photos like this. I call them field guide shots. The bird is doing nothing, just standing in full profile, but you can see everything about the bird that helps you identify it. As photographers, we often want action shots, interesting poses, or at least something that makes the photo stand […]

American Kestrel Flight under Morning Light
This morning I arrived at Central Winds to find an American Kestrel on one of the goal posts of the football field. I saw the Kestrel fly off to terrorize some Killdeer, so I took that opportunity to position myself in between the sun and the goal post, hopefully get shots of it returning with […]