‘Sliding towards extinction’: koala may be given endangered listing as numbers plummet

‘Sliding towards extinction’: koala may be given endangered listing as numbers plummet

The koala is being considered for official listing as endangered after the summer’s bushfire disaster and ongoing habitat destruction on the east coast forced the government to reconsider its threat status. The iconic species, which is currently listed as vulnerable under national environment laws, is among 28 animals that could have their threat status upgraded, […]

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113 Animal Species Identified as Needing “Urgent” Help After Record-Breaking Australian Fires

113 Animal Species Identified as Needing “Urgent” Help After Record-Breaking Australian Fires

Australia was having an extinction crisis before the fires hit. There were 511 animal species, 1,356 plant species and 82 distinct ecological communities nationally threatened. But the fires were devastating and record breaking. One-third of koalas (an already endangered species) were killed and scientists estimate that over one billion animals died. And now there are […]

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