Shriners International claims to be dedicated to compassion and service to others, yet its chapters continue to host notoriously cruel animal circuses. Video footage recorded at Shrine circuses has shown elephants jabbed with a sharp bullhook, tigers whipped in the face, bison pulled by rings in their noses, and other animals suffering in despair. An […]
Tag: lions

It swims underwater, barks like a dog, has webbed feet and dives for its supper: Meet the peculiar cat that’s like no other
Fishing cats (Prionailurus viverrinus) are one of the most unique and elusive wild cats in the world, renowned for their remarkable ability to hunt in water. Although they share similarities with other small cats, fishing cats have evolved a specialized skill set for fishing, making them stand out among their feline relatives. How big are […]

Petition: Stop Harvard’s Cruel Monkey Experiments Now
Margaret Livingstone, a Harvard University experimenter, has spent her entire 40-year career tormenting animals, including by tearing baby monkeys away from their mothers and sewing their eyes shut—or making sure they never see a human or monkey face in other ways—just to see how badly it damages their brain and visual development. Livingstone calls it […]
Young Boy Found Alive After Spending 5 Days Surrounded by Lions and Elephants in Game Park
A missing boy has been found alive after spending nearly a week alone in a northern Zimbabwe game park filled with lions, elephants and other wild animals, local officials said. On Wednesday, Jan. 1, Mutsa Murombedzi, a member of Zimbabwe’s parliament, shared news of the “true miracle” on social media. “A boy missing & found […]

The state of lions, leopards and hyenas in Uganda
The first comprehensive population estimate of Uganda‘s lions, leopards and spotted hyenas in almost two decades has revealed that lion numbers in the country are extremely low. Leopards (Panthera pardus) are holding on across the country, and hyenas are faring well. In a collaboration involving more than 100 conservation stakeholders, researchers used spatial capture-recapture methods […]

EU votes to weaken protection for European wolves
Wolves across Europe are set to lose their “strictly protected” status. The move is seen as a win for farmers concerned about loss of livestock, but conservationists warn that removing protections will jeopardize stable wolf populations. At a recent meeting of the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, EU countries […]
Lions think they can take down a rhino; boy, were they wrong
Lions usually know better than to take on a massive white rhino. They are said to know their limitations. But that didn’t stop a trio of lions at Kruger National Park in South Africa from trying. The end result was the male lion nearly getting gored by the rhino. Safari guide Jordan Davidson shared video […]

Lion Cub Rescued from Lebanon’s Conflict Finds Hope in South Africa
When Sara, a young lion cub, came under the care of Animals Lebanon, she was in a dire state. Her health was failing, and she bore the physical signs of neglect, including a serious ringworm infection. The cub had been used as a social media prop by her owner in Baalbek, Lebanon, despite local laws […]