We attempted to find the Baikal Teal at Ouse Washes today but failed despite checking every hide and walking around six miles in the process. We did find a few Garganey and a Black winged Stilt along with Barn Owl, Marsh Harrier, Ruff and a dozen Greenshank. Hopefully the Teal will give us another opportunity. […]
Tag: Little Egret

First visit to Elmley of 2019
My first visit to Elmley this year and as an official friend of Elmley that’s a little sad but the place looks good with plenty of water on the reserve and with it plenty of birds and a few Hares.

Leighton Moss – Egrets and Waders
I hadn’t visited Leighton Moss for many months and I was keen to visit again. Autumn had arrived and thankfully the very high temperatures of the Summer were a distant memory. It promised to be a lovely day as I arrived at the Eric Morecambe hide. There were plenty of birds on show especially the […]

Eurasian Stonechat at Scotney
With the Jims needing Buff-breasted Sandpiper for a tick we headed off down to Dunge this morning. A quick trip down Gallaways gave up nothing of note but we did find six Cattle Egrets at the farm on the reserve. At ARC we had stunning views of a Bittern as it walked around in front […]

Back In Action
I am pleased to report that I am now mobile and back in action following recent surgery. I was looking forward to return to some of my favourite locations to catch up on the comings and goings. For my first visit I chose to go to Mere Sands Nature Reserve to hopefully see the kingfishers […]

Indian Reef Heron – Jubail
Whilst birding the Jubail area recently we came across a good number of Indian Reef HeronEgretta gularis. The species is a common, mostly resident coastal breeder that can be seen in good numbers. Most birds seen are white morph birds but about 10% are of the grey or black morph. They occur on all coasts […]

Pennington Marsh – 29th October
I had a few hours to spare after dropping Tobias at school and so had a quick wander around the marshes. Wandering along the Ancient Highway past Efford Lagoon there were now 42 Tufted Duck, my highest count yet, while 25 Swallow and three Sand Martin foraged overhead. I spent some time grilling a Common […]

Pennington Marsh – 6th August
It was a beautiful sunny morning for a change, August has been a very unsettled month to date with long spells of often heavy rain and low temperatures. I was up early and decided on a walk around Pennington Marshes for a few hours. Arriving at 06:30 I first walked along the Ancient Highway for […]