How embarrassing. I am still here, sort of. Been out at a really remote field site the last couple months and am venturing (somewhat unwillingly and very awkwardly) back into society at the moment. I had my first real shower in two months just yesterday- HA! I’m a huge dirtball and I just don’t care. […]
Tag: loggerhead shrike

Central Winds Park, 10/3/2015
Yesterday I visited Central Winds Park hoping for migrants. It was kind of a slow morning. The cold front up north should have brought migrants down, but weather patterns seem to have held them from coming down to us. So I had 9 warbler species, none of them worth writing home about. The most unusual […]

Viera Wetlands, 1/18/2014
Yesterday I made it out to Viera Wetlands for a little bit during the afternoon. I much prefer to go in the morning, but even though family commitments kept me home in the morning, afternoon birding proved to be all that I’d hoped. My biggest goal was to see an Ash-throated Flycatcher that’s been seen […]

Loggerhead Shrike Feasts on a Mole Cricket
I found several Loggerhead Shrikes on Brumley Road not far from my house. This one had impaled a Mole Cricket on the barbed wire fence. As I drove by it flew up and perched on the fence by the cricket. After a few seconds, it pulled it off the barbed wire, held it for a […]

Loggerhead Shrike
The Loggerhead Shrike is perhaps my favorite bird. Not only do they know how to make black, white and gray look quite handsome, but they have a habit of impaling their prey on barbed wire fences and thorns. I see them all over Central Florida, most frequently where there’s a field and a barbed wire […]