This past Saturday I visited the wildlife drive at Lake Apopka. I was hoping to get some nice migrant activity, and I was not disappointed. Yellow Warblers were everywhere! I estimated 20 of them, but I think I underestimated. In one little spot along the lakeshore there were perhaps 10 Yellow Warblers, 2 Prothonotary Warblers, […]
Tag: louisiana waterthrush

Lately I’ve been considering why it is I find birding so continuously fascinating, and even addicting. Of course there’s the beauty of the birds, the thrill of finding them (especially rarities), and the challenge of learning to identify them. I also have great interest in learning about their behavior–why they act the way they do. […]

Mead Gardens, 3/14/2013
This morning I dropped by Mead Gardens, and I had a pretty good time. Easily the biggest highlight was seeing two Louisiana Waterthrushes. These are really fun warblers, and before this morning I didn’t have any presentable photos of them. All these photos are of the second one I found, which was much more cooperative […]