5 of the Most Spectacular (& Elaborate) Mating Rituals of Birds

5 of the Most Spectacular (& Elaborate) Mating Rituals of Birds

Mating rituals in the animal kingdom vary across species, and birds are no exception. Typically, dances for courtship between birds involve the makes working hard to attract the females’ attention. They use movement, sounds, skills, and good looks to woo their potential partner! 1. Black-Footed Albatross Source: Eric Dale/Youtube The black-footed albatross mating ritual is […]

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Study Provides Insights into Courtship Display of Golden-Collared Manakin (Videos)

Study Provides Insights into Courtship Display of Golden-Collared Manakin (Videos)

The acrobatic courtship displays of male Golden-collared manakins (Manacus vitellinus) are less energetically costly than they appear, says a group of ornithologists headed by Dr Julia Barske of the University of California. The Golden-collared manakin is a small passerine bird (Pipridae family) found exclusively found in western Colombia and Panama. Male Golden-collared manakins dance and […]

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