Nepali experts question rhino relocation within park for population balance

Nepali experts question rhino relocation within park for population balance

KATHMANDU — On March 21, Nepal’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation completed the relocation of six vulnerable one-horned rhinos (Rhinoceros unicornis) from the western part of Chitwan National Park to the eastern side. Department officials initiated the move to rectify the skewed distribution of the animal’s population, which was dominant in and around […]

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Adventure tours with tigers? Nepal’s proposed policy changes raise alarm

Adventure tours with tigers? Nepal’s proposed policy changes raise alarm

KATHMANDU — Nepal’s government has proposed zoning of protected areas, where human activities have long been highly restricted, to accommodate “adventure tourism” activities such as canyoning, mountain biking and motorboating. The sweeping changes have been proposed under the new draft National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Regulations, which have been in the works for a few […]

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Irrawaddy dolphin death in Thailand’s Songkhla Lake underscores conservation needs

Irrawaddy dolphin death in Thailand’s Songkhla Lake underscores conservation needs

The recent death of a critically endangered freshwater Irrawaddy dolphin in southern Thailand’s Songkhla Lake has brought the plight of the waterbody’s tiny remaining population into stark focus. As few as 14 of the dolphins, Orcaella brevirostris, are thought to survive in the lake amid a slew of threats ranging from entanglement in fishing gear […]

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