Why are Canadian moose declining? Interviews with Indigenous communities offer new clues

Why are Canadian moose declining? Interviews with Indigenous communities offer new clues

As one of the most iconic creatures in their ecosystems, moose have lumbered their way into the fabric of Canadian culture in Ontario. Recreational hunting, Indigenous well-being and the region’s ecosystem health all depend on these antlered giants. But in the last two decades, their population has declined by 20 percent. Now, a new collaboration […]

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Wild Moose and Fearless Cat Friendship in Alaska Captivates the Internet

Wild Moose and Fearless Cat Friendship in Alaska Captivates the Internet

An unexpected friendship in the Alaskan wilderness has captivated social media users, leaving them amazed and inspired. Instagram user @akshiloh, also known as Dan, has formed a unique bond with the wild moose near his home, showcasing this extraordinary relationship on his Instagram account. The U.S. National Park Service typically advises maintaining a safe distance […]

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Video captures terrifying moment a perturbed moose strikes back after getting surrounded by entitled tourists: ‘And everyone keeps recording’

Video captures terrifying moment a perturbed moose strikes back after getting surrounded by entitled tourists: ‘And everyone keeps recording’

A video recently posted to TikTok displayed the dangers of approaching wild animals, as a moose that was surrounded by tourists responded by kicking a little girl. The video, posted by TikTok user KJ (@outdoorsy_redhead), shows a cluster of people around a large moose, which at first seems to be accepting pets and treats. The […]

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