Acá estoy…disfrutando por tercera vez de mi viaje a República Dominicana; porqué la tercera????…. la primera fue cuando lo planificamos en familia, la segunda fue cuando estuvimos allí viviendo unas vacaciones soñadas, y ahora la tercera, cómodamente sentado frente a la computadora editando fotografías y gracias a los recuerdos vuelvo a revivir las experiencias vividas […]
Tag: Northern Waterthrush

Northern Waterthrush at Lake Apopka, 3/10/18
A few days ago I finally had time to visit the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive. Many of the rarities that have been wintering here have made themselves scarce. I didn’t see the Long-tailed Duck, the Ash-throated Flycatcher or the Vermilion Flycatcher. There were still lots of birds to see here, though. There were lots of […]

Central Winds Park in September
Central Winds is starting to get interesting. A couple days ago we had a Blue-winged Warbler there, and there’s been between 8-10 species seen there each day. There are lots of Northern Parula here, sometimes more than 20, and there have been a fair number of Redstarts, Yellow Warblers, Yellow-throated Warblers, and Black and White […]

Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, 8/21/2015
This past Saturday I visited the wildlife drive at Lake Apopka. I was hoping to get some nice migrant activity, and I was not disappointed. Yellow Warblers were everywhere! I estimated 20 of them, but I think I underestimated. In one little spot along the lakeshore there were perhaps 10 Yellow Warblers, 2 Prothonotary Warblers, […]

Oak Hammock, 9/13/2014
My father and I drove out to Oak Hammock on Merritt Island today. We’d heard some nice reports about some fun warblers there, so I thought I’d give it a try. Unfortunately, I left my camera battery in my charger, but my dad let me borrow his Canon EOS 1D mark 4. It was pretty […]

Central Winds Park, 9/4/2013
I had a pretty good time at Central Winds this morning. I’d seen an Acadian Flycatcher there yesterday, though there was enough yellow on it that I thought it might have been an early Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. My recording of its calls was pretty terrible, but I still think it’s an Acadian. I returned to where […]

Central Florida Birding, 4/6/2013
This morning my son had a 9am appointment in Sanford, and I had a work obligation in Orlando at 2pm. Not wanting to risk something going wrong, I decided to stay local and bird my way from Sanford to Orlando. I first went to Spring Hammock Preserve, hoping for a Prothonotary Warbler and Northern Waterthrush. […]