This morning I visited Wekiwa Springs State Park. I didn’t see anything terribly unusual–perhaps an Orange-crowned Warbler was the nicest find (most have left us). The photo above is really the only presentable photo I took this morning. The background is a little more cluttered than I’d like, but Prairie Warblers are so pretty, I […]
Tag: Orange-crowned Warbler

Swainson’s Warbler at Mead Gardens, 4/5/2013
This morning I drove by Mead Gardens hoping to find one of the Swainson’s Warblers that were seen there yesterday. A friend of mine was there too, and we ended up finding both Swainson’s Warblers, plus 12 other warbler species: Ovenbird, Worm-eating Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, Orange-crowned Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Northern Parula, Palm Warbler, Pine Warbler, […]

They’re everywhere!
I’ve been overstimulated with the yard birds lately. We actually got some gnarly rain recently and there have been some good warbler and sparrow flocks who have been pretty pumped about it. Some kind of bug is laying eggs on fenceposts right now and I’ve noticed the warblers are chowing down on the eggs all […]