We were up at 05:15 to the sound of screaming Saker Falcon, packed our bags and after a quick coffee headed back up Barig Mountain at 06:00 for a last try for Hodgson’s Bush-chat. After climbing the steep grassy and rock strewn slopes of the mountains in the vehicles we parked at the summit and […]
Tag: Pacific Golden Plover

Alaska – 9th June (Day 13)
Another day spent birding the Council Road which runs east from Nome, thats not a negative comment, its a fantastic birding road as it extends along the length of Safety Sound with the sound to the north and the open sea of Norton Sound to the south. Today we birded as far as the summit […]

Pacific Golden-Plover At Everglades Agricultural Area
Corey Callaghan was birding the sod fields at Six Mile Bend in Palm Beach County during the afternoon of 9 April 2016 and found a Pacific Golden-Plover which became the first Florida record for the species. The sunrise above (image 1) was photographed at Everglades Agricultural Area in April 2016. Tom […]

Rare and unusual birds seen in Saudi Arabia in second half of 2015
Two new species for Saudi Arabia Fulvous Whistling Duck Dendrocygna bicolor & Lesser Whistling Duck Dendrocygna javanica were found together on Malaki Dam Lake 3 September. Eight Harlequin Quail Coturnix delegorguei were in a large field near Jizan 30 June including at least two males, a species that has not been recorded in Saudi Arabia […]

Birds from Laem Pak Bia, part 2 of 3
Second part that accounts some of my many photographic expeditions at Laem Pak Bia, a great area for waders and much more… December 23rd, 2008 & December 27th, 2008 – just before Christmas (08), we visited the King’s Project on a sunny day and got a few images. It was already pretty dry around Central […]

Bird Tour Report
From Sunday midday until Wednesday afternoon I guided a visiting birder from Canada around places in Kumamoto, Nagasaki and Saga prefectures. Firstly we went to Yatsushiro and Hikawa Estuary, where we saw gulls and shorebirds, however the Black-faced Spoonbills that I had expected there were not to be found. The next morning we watched Streaked […]