Each leopard can be identified by their own unique roar, the first large-scale study of its kind has found. Using a combination of camera traps and recordings, the research team was able to identify the vocalizations of individual leopards with 93.1 percent accuracy, a press release from University of Exeter said. “Discovering that leopards have […]
Tag: Panthera pardus

The state of lions, leopards and hyenas in Uganda
The first comprehensive population estimate of Uganda‘s lions, leopards and spotted hyenas in almost two decades has revealed that lion numbers in the country are extremely low. Leopards (Panthera pardus) are holding on across the country, and hyenas are faring well. In a collaboration involving more than 100 conservation stakeholders, researchers used spatial capture-recapture methods […]

Leopard Population Has Nearly Tripled in the World’s Largest Conservation Area
In parts of Zambia’s Kafue National Park, a conservation organization specializing in wildcats has reported that the number of leopards there has nearly tripled. With an increase of 2.9, there are now 4.4 leopards per 100 square kilometers of terrain, which is much more than it sounds when you consider just how big Kafue is. […]

Inbreeding adds to growing threats to Africa’s smallest wildcat, study finds
Populations of the black-footed cat, a little-known feline in Southern Africa, have been declining for the last half a million years and exhibit very high degrees of inbreeding. This could increase their risk of a disease called amyloidosis, according to a new genetic study. “Frequently genomic studies focus on large charismatic cats so that small […]

Where Javan leopards thrive, so do other wildlife, study shows
JAKARTA — A new study on Javan leopards has found that areas with higher numbers of the endangered subspecies have richer wildlife diversity than those from where the elusive big cats are absent. More Javan leopards (Panthera pardus melas) in a given habitat correspond to higher richness and abundance of other animals that coexist in […]

The Bright Tapestry…
A cat’s ability to see in as little as one-sixth of the light needed by humans is attributed to a layer on the back of its retina known as the tapetum lucidum or “bright tapestry”. This layer gathers the light and reflects it back like a mirror to the light gathering cells of the eye, […]

Brothers in Arms…
These two young Leopard brothers (Panthera pardus) made for great partners as they double teamed any unfortunate prey that unwittingly passed near their vantage point overlooking the floodplain. Okavango Delta, Botswana

Stopped in Her Tracks…
A Leopardess (Panthera pardus) is stopped in her tracks after a wary impala forces her to give up the hunt by alerting the herd to her presence – Okavango Delta, Botswana. © Dana Allen www.photosafari-africa.net www.facebook.com/DanaAllenPhotoSafari With Savuti Camp