This ring-billed gull, Larus delawarensis, is in breeding plumage; the bird’s head and breast are snowy white. I took the picture on the East River in Brooklyn last week. Can spring be far behind? This is an adult ring-bill in non-breeding plumage, taken a few months ago in the same place. Its head and neck […]
Tag: Ring-billed Gull

Along the East River
I took a cold walk by the East River today. Brant geese, Branta bernicla, were lunching on the lawn in Brooklyn Bridge Park. Brant are often mistaken for Canada geese, but they are different species. I’ve written about their differences; click here for that blog. The lawn the brant geese were trying to eat turned […]

Ponce Inlet, 1/1/2013
Yesterday morning I took my daughter and my parents to Ponce Inlet for some fun at the beach. Since I was primarily being a dad, I didn’t do much birding, but I did bring my camera and I did scan the horizon some to see what may be flying by. I was hoping to get […]