If you’d asked me which rare bird I might see in Somerset in early January, the least sandpiper would have been very low on my list. Yet on a fine, bright, chilly morning here it was: running along the edge of the water like a clockwork toy, probing the mud for food with its stubby […]
Tag: Sandpiper

Hedgehogs ‘near threatened’ on red list after 30% decline over past decade
Hedgehogs are now listed as “near threatened” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s red list after a decline in numbers of at least 30% over the past decade across much of their range. While hedgehogs were once common across Europe, and were until now listed as of “least concern” on the red list, […]
Capturing Wildlife Encounters in Naples, Florida
Nestled on the southwestern coast of Florida, Naples is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and photographers alike. The city, with its pristine beaches, mangroves, and lush wetlands, offers a diverse array of opportunities for capturing stunning wildlife encounters. Whether you’re an amateur photographer hoping to capture your first memorable shot or a seasoned pro seeking […]

Playerito manchado (Spotted-Sandpiper) Actitis macularius
Me resulta imposible olvidarme de todo lo que tuve que caminar atrás de esta especie la primera vez en que la ví mientras trataba de lograr una buena fotografía. En aquella vez mientras estaba en la costanera de Candelaria sobre el Arroyo Garupá un Playerito manchado se anticipaba a todos mis movimientos; cuando yo me […]

Lapland comes to Scotney
First stop this morning was an easy Red-necked Grebe at Camber although with temperatures of minus six as we arrived the small lake was frozen forcing the Grebe to the far side. Next stop was Scotney where we failed to find the wintering Black-necked Grebe and with the Geese not present we decided to walk […]

Two days too late
I arrived for a short family visit in Israel yesterday afternoon. This morning, completely knackered after yesterday exhausting day of travel, I did the obvious thing – I went in the early morning to Ma’agan Michael to see the putative Asian House Martin – potentially the first for WP. Since it was found by Barak, […]

You buff beauty
Sometimes the stars do align properlyin the sky. This morning I had a meeting up north. I decided well in advance to avoid traffic, leave home early and bird somewhere along the coast north of Tel Aviv metropolin. Yesterday evening, mega news broke of the first Buff-breasted Sandpiper for Israel, found by Gal Sherbelis, exactly […]

Eurasian Stonechat at Scotney
With the Jims needing Buff-breasted Sandpiper for a tick we headed off down to Dunge this morning. A quick trip down Gallaways gave up nothing of note but we did find six Cattle Egrets at the farm on the reserve. At ARC we had stunning views of a Bittern as it walked around in front […]