Hot topics Currently there are a few stories hitting the news across Mull; the possibility of Mull becoming a national nature reserve and the issue of the pine marten (Martes martes) breeding on the isle. It is safe to say I have some strong opinions on both of these hot topics. Here on the isle […]
Tag: seabirds

Storm-petrel breeding in the Atacama desert
Seabirds, especially pelagic species, are more threatened than most other bird groups with similar numbers of species. Among them,Storm-petrels (family Hydrobatidae) are diverse and widespread in the Pacific Ocean.Markham’s Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma markhami) is common in the Humboldt Current, including pelagic and coastal waters of Ecuador, Peru, and Chile between 18°N and 30°S. Only a couple […]

Inner Farne
A few images I took yesterday afternoon on Inner Farne, Northumberland. Kittiwake Chick Some of the ugliest chicks you could ever see, the Shag. Close Up. A mindful Shag. Adult Shags have the most stunning of eyes. Arctic Tern Nest and Eggs. A second of peace in the air. Arctic Tern. Puffins.