More than 1,100 dead olive ridley turtles have washed ashore on the beaches of Tamil Nadu state in southern India this month. Most were found near the state capital, Chennai. “I never heard [of] such large numbers of turtles stranded at any beaches of Tamil Nadu at least in the last three decades,” K. Sivakumar, […]
Tag: turtles

‘They’re stuck’: Cape Cod seeing more whale, turtle and dolphin strandings
While Cape Cod, Massachusetts, is known as a popular vacation destination in the north-east US, it has built a reputation for an entirely different reason this year: animal strandings. Dolphins, whales, seals and turtles are turning up in large numbers on the beaches of the famous peninsula in a phenomenon that has experts scrambling to […]

Road to recovery: Wild animals staging a comeback in 2024
Conservation news is often heartbreaking, with reports of dramatic biodiversity loss globally year after year. But in 2024, there were several reasons for cheer as well, with conservationists finding that certain species, once at the brink of extinction, are making a comeback. Here are five species that researchers confirmed were showing hopeful signs of recovery […]

No signs of slowdown in wildlife trafficking in 2024 as demand persists
Wildlife trafficking remains a pressing threat to the survival of countless species, with sharks, pangolins, rhinos, birds, big cats and others among the hardest hit. Mongabay’s extensive reporting aligns with the 2024 U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime’s (UNODC) World Wildlife Crime Report, which highlights these species as prime targets of a $20 billion per […]

Illegal cockfighting threatens endangered sea turtles across Central America
Cockfighting has been illegal in Costa Rica for more than a century, but this violent tradition persists underground across the country. To make the birds deadlier, their owners often tie razor-sharp blades to their legs, known as gaffs or cockspurs. Aside from the roosters, which get seriously injured or killed during fights, another species has […]

Petition: Tell Authorities to Investigate Potential Animal Trafficking Networks
The recent arrest of a smuggler trying to take 29 eastern box turtles from the U.S. to Canada highlights a gaping hole in our wildlife protection efforts. These turtles, part of a species listed as vulnerable due to threats like the illegal pet trade, deserve better. Sign the petition to demand U.S. authorities thoroughly investigate […]

Endangered Sea Turtle Completes Incredible 5,000-Mile Journey Back to Gulf of Mexico
A rare Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, one of the smallest and most endangered sea turtles, recently completed a remarkable return to the Gulf of Mexico after being found thousands of miles away in Europe. This resilient turtle, affectionately named Boeier after the boat that rescued her, had an unexpected adventure that spanned over 5,000 miles […]

Woman Faces Prison for Attempting to Smuggle Turtles Across Lake to Canada
A woman was caught attempting to smuggle 29 eastern box turtles from the United States to Canada, hiding the protected reptiles inside socks in a duffle bag. Wan Yee Ng, who was arrested in Vermont in June, was preparing to paddle across Lake Wallace in an inflatable kayak when authorities apprehended her. She has since […]