The Wyoming MAGA contingent that now controls the full legislature introduced House Bill 0286, a proposed bill that would strip critical protections for cougars in Wyoming. HB 0286 proposes the following changes: Elimination of hunting zones and geographic boundaries for cougars. Removal of statewide and local mortality limits, allowing unrestricted killing of cougars at any time, […]
Tag: Wyoming

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Update to Grizzly Bear Endangered Species Act Listing and Management
DENVER — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced a new and comprehensive approach to long-term grizzly bear recovery in the lower 48 states and the concerns of those living with and near bears. The Service is proposing a rule to clarify the geographic area where grizzly bears in the lower 48 states are […]

Yellowstone National Park sued for plans to increase bison numbers
The state of Montana is suing the iconic Yellowstone National Park over its plan to increase the number of bison in and around the park. Loved by hikers and climbers alike, the 3,472 square-mile park wants to boost its sizeable bison population and increase tolerance for the animals leaving Yellowstone to roam around the surrounding […]

Hummingbirds Live an Extreme Lifestyle Thriving on All-Sugar Diet That Would Put Us in a Coma
Everyone loves to watch hummingbirds—tiny, brightly colored blurs that dart about, hovering at flowers and pugnaciously defending their ownership of a feeder. But to the scientists who study them, hummingbirds offer much more than an entertaining spectacle. Their small size and blazing metabolism mean they live life on a knife-edge, sometimes needing to shut down […]

As Wolf Populations Rebound, an Angry Backlash Intensifies
Next month will mark the 30th anniversary of a landmark wildlife experiment: the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park. The gray wolf had been nearly extirpated throughout the northern Rockies and had been federally listed as endangered since 1974. Diane Boyd, a wildlife biologist who had started collaring and tracking wolves that entered northern […]

Remains of beloved Grizzly No 399 killed by car returned to Wyoming park
The remains of a beloved grizzly bear who died last month after being hit by a car in Wyoming have been returned to Grand Teton national park. In a statement released on Friday, the US Fish and Wildlife Service announced that it returned the ashes of Grizzly No 399, a 28-year-old female grizzly bear, to […]

The Forest Service Gets a Slap on Their Prairie Dog Killing Plan
On the Thunder Basin National Grassland of northeastern Wyoming, the livestock industry has been pursuing an aggressive campaign to expand poisoning and shooting of prairie dogs. And in 2020, the Forest Service gave them a plan amendment that radically expanded prairie dog killing, and eliminated a special designation of a Black-footed Ferret Reintroduction Area to […]

Grizzly Bear Seriously Injures Man in ‘Surprise Encounter’ in Wyoming
Atourist was attacked and seriously injured by a grizzly bear during a “surprise encounter” at a national park. The 35-year-old Massachusetts man was walking on Signal Mountain Summit Road in Grand Teton National Park on May 19 when two grizzly bears surprised him, the National Park Service said in a statement. One of the bears […]