On 5 February Phil Roberts and I travelled to Haradh an area of extensive pivot irrigation fields three hours drive from Dhahran. We left at 03:00 hrs to allow us to be at the site at first light. After plenty of searching we eventually came across a very damp newly ploughed field that had a single Northern Lapwing in it, but as we got closer more and more birds flew out.
After an hour or so of checking through the Northern Lapwings we came across an odd looking wader at some distance that on putting the telescope on was obviously a winter plumaged Caspian Plovers.
After looking further we found an additional winter plumaged bird as well as one in summer plumage making three in total. Caspian Plover is an uncommon but regular passage migrant in the Eastern Province in small numbers during March and April and again from late July until early September.
The peak passage of adults is during March and again from August when juveniles are also frequently seen. A flock of 500 was seen in late March 1982 on the northern steppes with other good numbers from the same area including 45 on the Dibdibah 14 April 1983, 30 there 4 November 1983 and 100 in the same area 28 March 1985.
Most sightings occur away from the coast but they are often near inland waters.

Jem Babbington
Jem Babbington is a keen birder and amateur photographer located in Dhahran, Eastern Saudi Arabia where he goes birding every day. Jem was born in England and is a serious local patch and local area birder who has been birding for almost forty years and has birded in more than fifty countries. Jem is learning to ring birds in Bahrain as a perfect way to learn more about the birds of the area. Saudi Arabia is a very much under-watched and under-recorded country.
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