Pine Warbler

Pine Warbler

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Pine Warbler

Eos 7D MKII with a tamron 150-600

Hernando, FL


Date Taken:

Robert Strickland

Robert Strickland

My name is Robert Strickland I am a self-Taught Photographer. I have been in this business for over 25 years. My specialty is nature and wildlife especially birds. I have photos on my web site for your perusal. The links are I also have photos on my FLICKr site at I have written a several small stories about my experiences with Birding, which can be converted into articles for your Magazine. They can be found here: My Photography equipment is Canon. I use the EOS 6D, 7D, and use the Canon 28-105 IS, 100-400L IS lenses, 100mm Macro, and the 500mm L IS lens. I also attach a 1.4 extender for bird and other wildlife photography. I have the Bogen (Manfrotto) 3221 Tripod and other equipment. I frequent the many birding areas in Florida using the birding Trails guidelines to help me find great birding areas. There are some great places to go nearby. I also find that my backyard has some good opportunity for me to photograph. All of my bird photographs are of wild birds in the natural state. I primarily photograph birds in my backyard and surrounding areas of Citrus County and other areas throughout Florida. I have a Stock Library of over 5000 Digital Photos My publishing credits include American Agriculturist, Bird Watching Magazine, Waterway Guide Northern Edition, Mariner’s Handbook, Turkey Call Magazine, Photographer’s Forum Magazine, Agway Cooperator; Discover Lifestyle Magazine, NWF’s Treasures of Wildlife Calendar, I won the 1st place in the National Wildlife Federation amateur division for backyard habitat. I am a graduate of the New York Institute of Photography and belonged to the “The Professional Photographers Society of New York State, Inc. and NANPA

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