New Online Database Highlights Dangers of Keeping Exotic Animals in Captivity

New Online Database Highlights Dangers of Keeping Exotic Animals in Captivity

World Animal Protection Canada has launched an innovative online database to raise awareness about the risks associated with keeping exotic animals in captivity. According to wildlife campaign manager Michèle Hamers, many people misinterpret incidents involving captive wildlife as isolated or amusing occurrences, overlooking the serious dangers they pose. Through her fieldwork, Hamers has observed numerous […]

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‘Explorer elephants’ in transfrontier conservation area offer solution to tree damage

‘Explorer elephants’ in transfrontier conservation area offer solution to tree damage

Elephants are known to be “ecosystem engineers,” altering habitats to suit their own needs, but this sometimes comes at a cost to other species. Hedging, or stem snapping, is the term used to describe how elephants (Loxodonta africana) reduce dominant trees to low-level shrubs, bringing the trees’ leaves within easy reach of mother-and-calf herds while […]

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How Wombats and Their Burrows Offer Refuge to Animals During Wildfires

How Wombats and Their Burrows Offer Refuge to Animals During Wildfires

In the wake of Australia’s catastrophic 2019-2020 Black Summer wildfires, a fascinating ecological discovery was made regarding the burrows of wombats. While initial reports inaccurately claimed wombats were herding other animals to safety, the reality, though less dramatic, revealed a vital role these creatures play in supporting biodiversity during such disasters.  Source: Wicked Wildlife/YouTube […]

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How Much is a Bat Worth? This Economist Puts a Price Tag on Wild Animals

How Much is a Bat Worth? This Economist Puts a Price Tag on Wild Animals

Bats play a crucial role in ecosystems, particularly through their dietary habits. In North America, bats primarily feast on insects, including mosquitos, moths, and leafhoppers. Astonishingly, a single bat can consume up to 1,000 insects per hour. This natural pest control is not only beneficial for reducing the number of disease-carrying mosquitos but also for […]

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