Collared Aracari

Collared Aracari

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Collared Aracari

Anon EOS 5D Mark II, 500mm f/4L IS USM

Costa Rica

Rain Forest

Date Taken:

David DesRochers

David DesRochers

David's passion for nature photography was sparked by a trip to Glacier National Park in the summer of 2000. Since then, he and his wife Cathy have traveled the world to witness and photograph the wonders of nature. David is a member of the North American Nature Photography Association and has written several articles for Nature Photographer Magazine​. David’s photos have been recognized in several international competitions and have been published in books, magazines and on calendars. David is an accomplished public speaker and has been inspiring photographers for over 15 years. He has been a featured speaker at photography clubs and events including the New England Camera Club Council Annual Conference (2014 & 2016), the Connecticut Association of Photographers, New Jersey Audubon's Birding Festival, and the New York City Sierra Club. Visit the "Lectures & Workshops" page for a list of David's programs. David's experience judging photo competitions has taken him as far as Budoia, Italy to judge the Bio Photo Contest. In 2014, David was awarded the New Jersey Federation of Camera Clubs Citation in recognition for his contributions to the advancement of the art and science of photography in the state. As an Associate Naturalist with The New Jersey Audubon Society, David develops and teaches nature photography workshop and leads photo tours to major northeast wildlife viewing destinations.

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