An emperor penguin named Gus made an extraordinary appearance on an Australian beach, thousands of miles away from his icy Antarctic habitat. Officials confirmed that Gus was released back into the ocean after 20 days of recovery, marking the end of his remarkable journey. Gus was discovered on November 1 in Denmark, a coastal town […]
Gray wolves spotted in California National Park for first time in 100 years – here’s everything hikers need to know
A pack of gray wolves has been sighted within the boundaries of California’s Lassen Volcanic National Park for the first time in nearly 100 years of federal protection. In a Facebook post issued by California Wolf Watch, “wolf coordinator” Axel Hunnicutt of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife confirmed the pack is roaming the […]
‘Momentous’ sustainable fishing rules adopted for Atlantic Ocean swordfish
In the late 1990s, swordfish had been so overfished in the North Atlantic Ocean that its population faced the possibility of collapse. The dire situation sparked boycotts and conservation campaigns in honor of the highly migratory species, a predator that can move at nearly the speed of a cheetah and slash at prey with the […]
New Bill Aims to Protect Horseshoe Crabs
Horseshoe crabs, a species that predates the dinosaurs, play an essential role in ecosystems. Today, these ancient marine creatures face the threat of local extinction due to habitat loss and overharvesting for bait and biomedical uses. Efforts to protect their future have led to the proposed Horseshoe Crab Protection Bill in New York. If enacted, […]
Vulture poisonings in the Serengeti alarm conservationists
In July this year, conservationists from North Carolina Zoo in the U.S. and the Grumeti Fund in Tanzania went searching for a white-backed vulture in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park that had been tagged a few weeks earlier. Tracking data suggested the bird had died. The team traveled off-road to the southwestern edge of the park, […]
Cloud Forest Animals Thrive After Invasive Rodent Eradication on Lord Howe Island–A World Heritage Site
In 2022, GNN reported on the return of wildlife seen on Lord Howe Island of Australia following an extermination campaign of rats. Now, an expedition to the island’s high forests has revealed stunning imagery of a one-of-a-kind ecosystem where 85% of plants are found nowhere else on Earth. “Ascending into this rare island cloud forest […]
Drivers Warned to Watch for Pronghorns on Colorado Roads
Colorado drivers are being urged to remain vigilant as snow-covered roads have become dangerous for both motorists and wildlife. Over 150 pronghorns have been killed in eastern Colorado in recent days after being struck by vehicles, including large trucks, according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW). The pronghorns, North America’s fastest land animals, have been […]
Indigenous guardians embark on a sacred pact to protect the lowland tapir in Colombia
In the forest’s fecund gloom, José Muchavisoy leads the guardians of the territory as they scan the undergrowth for trails left by their target. Strangely splayed paw prints, dung among the leaf litter and mud wallows where the creature cooled off during the hottest hours of the day are hints it was recently here. If […]