The use of pesticides on UK farms is to be reduced by 10% by 2030 under government plans to protect bees and other pollinators. Campaigners welcomed the news, but said they were disappointed that the target applied only to arable farms and not to urban areas and parks. The plan has been a long time […]

Fury in France as 81-year-old hunter is put on trial for shooting a bear as it dragged him away after breaking both his legs in horror mountain attack
A French hunter has gone to trial after killing an endangered bear that mauled him in a horror attack in the Pyrenees. Andre Rives, 81, was boar-hunting on November 20, 2021 when a female brown bear nicknamed Caramelles launched a vicious attack on him, charging at him and dragging him by the legs for several […]

Seabird Chicks Suffer Alzheimer’s-Like Brain Damage from Plastic Pollution
A new study has found that seabird chicks are suffering from brain damage caused by ingesting plastic—despite appearing healthy on the outside. According to The Guardian, researchers from the University of Tasmania examined dozens of fledgling flesh-footed shearwaters from Lord Howe Island and found alarming results. While these chicks look outwardly fit, blood tests revealed […]

Beloved Seal Pup Chappy Dies After Connecticut Rescue
In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Chappy, the gray seal pup found wandering the streets of New Haven, Connecticut, has died due to severe digestive complications. On February 16, passersby spotted the underweight pup near Yale University, more than 1,000 feet from the nearest river. Authorities promptly transported him to Mystic Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Clinic, […]

“If an eagle fell, I had to carry it back up without being torn apart” How one woman helped save the bald eagle
In the 1970s, the bald eagle was on the verge of extinction. Thanks in part to the pioneering work of one young biologist, this magnificent bird has made a spectacular comeback. Sailing through the air with its colossal, 2m wings outstretched, white head and yellow beak contrasting with its dark body, there’s no mistaking one […]

Petition: End Animal Cruelty at Shriners Circuses Now
Shriners International claims to be dedicated to compassion and service to others, yet its chapters continue to host notoriously cruel animal circuses. Video footage recorded at Shrine circuses has shown elephants jabbed with a sharp bullhook, tigers whipped in the face, bison pulled by rings in their noses, and other animals suffering in despair. An […]

Record-Breaking Migration of Orange-Bellied Parrot Will be Flying High After Years of Conservation Work Pays Off
With the news headlines around the COP events full of general doom and gloom about species decline, it’s worth taking the time to meet one lucky bird that’s on the mend. From as few as 17 known individuals, the orange-bellied parrots of Tasmania now number in the low hundreds after years of hard conservation work. […]

‘Devastating’: California condor dies of lead poisoning just months after release from L.A. Zoo
Tragedy struck the Yurok tribe’s condor restoration efforts when one of the critically endangered birds succumbed to lead poisoning — an entirely preventable, human-caused threat — just months after being released from the Los Angeles Zoo into the wild. The bird, Pey-noh-pey-o-wok, had been flying freely for only three months when he died in the […]