New Zealand Kereru

New Zealand Kereru

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New Zealand Kereru

Canon 7D Mk2

New Zealand-Tiritiri Matangi Island

Native Bush

Date Taken:

Raewyn Ireland

HI, My name is Raewyn Ireland and I am a New Zealander born and bred. I have been mad on photography since I was in my early teens, and for all of my life have worked with, loved, and cared for animals. In recent years I have developed a natural affinity with birds. They are really special creatures, great subjects, and I have a deep respect for them as a result of interacting with them, and observing them while spending a lot of time with and around them photographing them. They make me times feel a bit weepy, they make me gasp sometimes, and other times leave me totally wowed. I have always been a country person, and for almost 5 years now have lived in Kerikeri, Bay of Islands in Northland, new Zealand, after living a lot further down the North Island previously. I love it here, and my home/property is only a paddock away from the Waitangi forest. I have many trees and shrubs my property and sometimes, at certain times of the year, it feels like I am living smack bang in the middle of a main bird super highway! I enjoy the variety of birdlife, and other wild life here, and feel very protective over them. I feel that I .. and others here, are living in THEIR environment, and enjoy sharing it with them (birds). I love seeing others' photography as well and respect great work, as I know how much patience and perseverance plus years of commitment is required to get those special shots. It's all learning and its enjoyable time spent working with these creatures as I do my best to capture them as they truly are.

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