Russel A. Considine has been a professional photographer since 1980. Russ focuses on candid portraits, landscape, wildlife and sports photography. Russ also creates art works of selected photographs that he has taken, and he is the author of the following books, short stories and poems:
"21st Century Water & LandScapes"; “Wildlife I’ve Shot”; “The 1980 Golden Olympic Miracles”; “Mother Nature’s Photo Alphabet Book”; “Mother Nature’s Photo Alphabet Book, Book Two”; “Mother Nature’s Photo Alphabet Book, Book Three”; The Midnight Lullaby”; “How To Take These Digital Photographs – Part 1”; “Lola’s Alphabet Friends” “Lola’s Alphabet Friends, Book Two”; “Advice from Superman, a short but true Story”; and “A Soldier’s Prayer”.
Russ lives in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York and can often be found looking for new photo subjects while he hikes the mountain trails and kayaking the waters of Lake George in New York and Rangeley Lake in Maine.
Samples of Mr. Considine’s PhotoArt works can be found on his online PhotoArt Galleries:
You can contact Russ via email at:
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