Wild cougar cubs have been seen in the western part of Michigan‘s Upper Peninsula for the first time in over a century. Last week state biologists confirmed that the spotted cubs — thought to be between seven and nine weeks old — were living on private property in Ontonagon County, a press release from the […]

Canada’s Marineland to rehome its whales and dolphins as it seeks a buyer
Canada’s embattled Marineland theme park is to raise money to “expeditiously” remove animals from its grounds, including the world’s largest captive beluga population, as it looks for a buyer. But a lack of available sanctuaries in the country suggests finding a home for stranded whales, dolphins and pinnipeds will be a daunting task. In February, […]

The watchers who prey on Israel’s falcon poachers
For the volunteer watchers scanning southern Israel’s wheatfields, protecting migratory falcons from poachers is a highly coordinated security operation. The raptors may top the food chain in the wild, but here the predators can themselves become the prey. Many protected species of migratory birds spend their winters in this agricultural area close to the Gaza […]

Court orders Trump administration to address pesticide risks to endangered species
A U.S. federal judge recently ordered the Trump administration‘s Fish and Wildlife Service to complete assessments on the impacts of six pesticides and the steps needed to protect endangered species from them. This isn’t the first time pesticide safety has come before the Trump administration. In 2017, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) conducted an […]

The Old Man and the Stork: An Unlikely Friendship That Captivated a Nation
Now from Turkiye comes the story of an annual spring reunion that has captivated the hearts of a nation for 14 years. It involves a simple rural fisherman Adem Yilmaz, waiting in his boat for the return of a dear friend: a white stork named Yaren. Casting his lines and nets upon the beautiful Uluabat […]

Disturbing rise in wild killers on the loose sparks action across America… as four-year-old girl is savaged at her $2.3M home
A bloodthirsty coyote that attacked on a four-year-old girl in an idyllic suburban neighborhood has put a spotlight on the growing number of Americans targeted by wild predators. The most recent incident occurred in a ritzy area outside Seattle and saw the ferocious animal latch its jaws onto the young girl and begin to drag […]

Chlamydia detected in Sydney’s only disease-free koala population
Chlamydia has spread to Sydney’s only disease-free koala population with two koalas testing positive after they were rescued late last year. The koalas were tested after they were found in Appin in south-western Sydney in September with injuries suggesting they had both been hit by cars. One koala was treated while the other had to […]

Relocation of Wild Orangutans Often Threatens Their Survival: Study
Authorities in Indonesia and Malaysia frequently relocate wild orangutans, which can leave them hungry, lost and in conflict with established residents. Many displaced orangutans make the journey back home, sometimes over 60 miles to the areas where they were raised. According to a new study, there are several reasons for orangutan relocation: If they are […]