Ghostly Duo

Ghostly Duo

A moment of magic in the bush as a Black Rhino cow and her calf approach the nearby waterhole. A storm is brewing and the day is drawing to a close. Every step is weary, and every sound is carefully tuned into with their amazing hearing. We sat very still in our vehicle and watched […]

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Canary Clan

Canary Clan

With this image I take you back to Zimanga Private Game Reserve for a brief interlude. You will remember I posted some images on my blog after our family’s visit to this amazing place last month. This photo is from my first session in the Mkhombe bird hide – where the action was coming thick […]

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Two Young Kings

Two Young Kings

I thought it apt to post something that is NOT a “wider-showing-environment-animalscape” for a change, to show you that I do photograph tight, close portraits as well when I am in the field. I was privileged to spend some quality time with these two brothers in Etosha last year during a week’s intense photography and […]

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Big Wings

Big Wings

Just a quick post this time around, folks. This is from my 2010 archives (I’ve got sooo many photos still unprocessed from then until now, so every now and again I dive into the depths of the archives). I captured this photo of the Lesser Spotted Eagle in the Kruger National Park one afternoon. I […]

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