Damselflies pulse with the wild frequency of summer lust, tangled up in a humid breeze, their mating a river-mad embrace. • Ebony Jewelwing damselfly | Calopteryx maculata
Author: Rick Lieder
Demanding Answers
Two easily offended songbirds demand answers, incompatible on either side of a breeze. • Sparrow | Passer domesticus
Tangled Airstrip
Hunting empty trails, launching from tangled airstrips into a world just out of reach, a cricket waits for the wind to break. • Carolina Ground Cricket | Eunemobius carolinus
Olympian Ant
An Olympian ant caps the throne of chronos, dismantling her world and staring at the pieces. • Eastern black carpenter ant | Camponotus pennsylvanicus
Visit to a Small World
Making each breeze swing, a visit to the small world of pollination, inhaling the fiery scent of sunlight. • Honey bee | Apis mellifera
Below the Stars
Flying so fast just below the stars, even standing still the wind couldn’t keep up . • Sparrow | Passer domesticus
A Siren’s Secret
A hunter plays hide and seek with color, misted berries like stolen carny balloons concealing a siren’s secret appetite. • Chinese Praying Mantis | Tenodera aridifolia sinensis