This little jewel . . . common though it may be . . . was flitting about in our south field. It is surely not a common site for me. This is a first sighting and capture.
Author: Carol Duke

Giant Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes) In Flower Hill Farm Gardens
Today I am sharing this mornings sighting and quite a joyous one! A Giant Swallowtail floating around our bee balm and milkweed blooms allowed me to get close enough to capture these images. At one point I had to chase a catbird away!I have never seen this beauty before and read that it is a […]

Waxing and Waning ~ The World Around Us ~ Bluebird Broods
There is plenty of spinning, tilting and turning in our vast universe . . . as our world wobbles its way around the sun and our moon waxes and wanes . . . mirroring that center fiery sphere . . . while it sails along its own path marking our monthly ways. Luminosity of a […]

First Days of Summer Walkabout
Summer greets Western Massachusetts with a hot soup of humid heat. The rising sun casts a net of sweltering, swelling, sanguine rays piercing skin and leaf alike. Spreading landscape’s spring green evaporates into a darker coating . . . void of its former verdant glow. It is a great time for butterflies, except for all […]

Eastern Phoebe Parents and Young
Our Flower Hill Farm landscape and wildlife habitat is filled with the flutterings and cries of copious numbers of fledglings. These little Eastern Phoebes are just about to take their first flight. What a healthy, cozy brood! Eastern Phoebe Nestlings about to become Fledglings Eastern Phoebe Parent Hiccuping Eastern Phoebe Parent with a Mouthful of […]

Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) Update
The Baltimore Orioles Icterus galbulaworked hard and successfully together as parents. I so enjoyed being able to watch them coming and going from their nest and hearing the males lovely tonal trills. The male was as steadfast in guarding his nestlings as the female was in foraging for food. In the past I have also […]

American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis)
I have been delighted to see and photo capture these American Lady(Vanessa virginiensis)butterflies in our gardens and fields earlier this spring than in previous years. Flower Hill Farm

American Copper (Lycaena phlaeas)
The American Copper (Lycaena phlaeas) is a tiny butterfly that most may hardly notice flitting by. What a little beauty it is! A very common butterfly here in Massachusetts, yet this is the first one I have been lucky enough to capture. With a wing span of only 7/8 – 1 1/8 . . . […]