Shachar Shalev (ourKiwi representative) has gone birding over the weekend and the following report shows that it is neverboringaround here. When there are few migrants, there is plenty of time to enjoy some of the region’s very interesting species… I Went out 5:30 in the morning not seriously expecting to find anything. I Started at […]
Author: Itai Shanni

And the winner is…
With great pleasure, I can say that our own team member, Avi Meir, as won the prestige 3rd place in an animal portrait category at the #1 NaturePhotographer competition which was recently held at the Eretz-Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv. We know Avi’s work and admire it for long time and we are happy that he is […]

Migration on the move again
Afterseveraldays of low numbers, migration has decided to show itself once again. Over the last few days we had good numbers both in the field and at the IBRCE ringing station.A very big wave of Red-backed Shrikes, Thrush Nightingalesand Barred Warblersall over with amazing numbers trapped daily (numbers represent total new birds for the season […]

Up and down and again…
This Spring is surely the one to be reminded as one of the least stable migration we had for years down in the Arava. While some morning start in full swing and there seems to be birds on every bush in the Arava and the sky are filled with migrating raptors, we have many mornings […]

A crazy morning at the IBRCE ringing station
Spring is always hectic around Eilat and there is much to do at all times but yesterday i’ve managed to allocate the whole morning, to be with the Dream Team at the ringing station.Unfortunatelyto me, I decided that I won’t need the camera today which has proven to be a very bad decision when abeautifulmale […]

Migration non-stop
The season proceeds and with it there are evident changes both in the field and at the ringing station.Today we saidgoodbyefor Arnold and Luc from Holland who has been with us for 4 & 2 weeks each. The “DreamTeam” is never going to be the same again… Also there are many new birds which are […]

Rain of Birds at last…
This spring has been very strange. After such a rainy winter with 4-6 floods in the southern Arava, we all expected that the desert will be filled with migrants. Then came March and by the end of it we were still looking hard to find birds in the Arava. Nevertheless there were many quality species […]

Kiwi reports from the Arava…
Over the last few weeksI’vebeen overloaded with guiding, monitoring, managing and in between being a father to my two sons who are enjoying a Passover vacation and a husband to my lovely wife who supports me throughout. This has led to lack of writing time for the blog…YesterdayIreceived a complaining mail from Shacahr Shalev, a […]