Many migrants are here already and every day some new arrivals join the party.
Author: Itai Shanni

Eilat Birding
The Basalt Wheatear is still present and while many birders came to search for it. Also to enjoy the many Asian Desert & Spectacled Warblers. It’s been very long since a Kurdish Wheatear was seen around the Southern Arava.

Eilat Birding
Here you will find the most updated records of the area which I would try and upload as frequently as possible.

A week summary in the Arava
Its been a long and hectic week for me with guiding and monitoring throughout. Bird migration is always a wonderful spectacle and there is always much to see (though not always what youexpect!). It started last Sunday when I was guiding Norbert Schafferand we had these wonderful birds which were described in my last post, […]

It only gets better
As the season progress more and more migrants are found on a daily basis. In fact it is so hectic that I cant find the time to sit and write all the updates, so below is a very quick review of what was seen in the past 10 days: On 13th while guiding a happy […]

Migration on high gear
Back from Spain and it seems that migration down the southern Arava and around Eilat are on high speedalready. I had great time on the Iberian peninsula with many interesting and enigmatic species and un-president numbers of Vultures and great company of people, but as always it is great to be back in my local […]

They are back
OnTuesday, I will be heading towards the amazing FIO bird Festival at Extramadura. So before Ileave, I’ve decided to check ifnight-lifearound Yotveta is showing Spring as well. I wentout with Avi Meir and found 2 beautiful Egyptian Nightjars!After an absence of a year they are back and I hope that they will stay until I […]

Let the games begin once again
After long idle due to being too occupied in moving into our new house at last, yesterday I went back to the field, joined by Shachar with his powerful Nikon (thus I didn’t really bother photographing…)We had a great day with many birds and goodevidenceof migration throughout. Starting at K20 we found the ponds loading […]