Costa Rica Photo Journal by Don Getty – Part 3 of 3

Costa Rica Photo Journal by Don Getty – Part 3 of 3

On Day 7 we were off to Arenal Observation Lodge, but stopped along the way at Las Iguanas restaurant for lunch and photographing Iguanas – both were quite good. The restaurant is along a river where the Iguanas congregate in the trees along the river banks and often come onto the restaurant property, just outside the dining area. It was obvious that vegetable scrapes from the restaurant added to the appeal of the area, at lease from the Iguanas prospective. After arriving at the Lodge, the afternoon was spent photographing a wide variety of birds in the gardens and from the observation deck.

Costa Rica Photo Journal by Don Getty – Part 3 of 3

Green Iguana
Green Iguana

Pale billed Woodpecker

Broad billed Motmot
Broad-billed Motmot

Great Curassow
Great Curassow

On Day 8 we made an excursion to Arenal Eco Zoo to photograph venomous snakes and other critters that are difficult to find in the wild. My preference is to photograph wild uncontrolled subjects, but I’m more than willing to make an exception when it comes to venomous snakes. In addition the killer snakes, we also photographed several other reptiles and a .

Red eyed Treefrog
Red-eyed Treefrog

Parrot Snake

Green Vine Snake

Fer de Lance

Eyelash Viper
Eyelash Viper

Day 9 was to be our final day of shooting on this trip. We took another excursion, this time to Ecocentro Danaus which is a biological reserve with a hiking trail that circles a lagoon and feeders to attract a variety of birds. The unusual subject here are Boat-billed Herons – a first for me. There was also an abundance of smaller colorful birds to photograph such as a variety of , honeycreepers and euphonias. There are also several sloths on the property. I observes two sloths but I was not able to get quality images of them – next time.

Spot crowned Euphonia

Passerinis Tanager
Passerini’s Tanager

Green Honeycreeper
Green Honeycreeper, male

Golden hooded Tanager
Golden-hooded Tanager

Boat billed Heron

I hope you have enjoyed this photo journal from my recent trip to . In summary, Costa Rica is a wonderful travel destination for those with an interest in our natural world. The opportunities for nature photographers are superb.

The first two parts of my journal can be found at

To see more of my photography, go to

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Don Getty

Don Getty

Don Getty has been an avid wildlife photographer for over 20 years. He resides in Wyoming, just 30 miles from Yellowstone Park. He photographs birds, mammals, reptiles and just about any living creature he can get in front of his lens. Wildlife photography has taken him throughout the Rocky Mountain region of the US and Canada, East Africa, South Africa, Costa Rica, Florida and Churchill Manitoba. He has received numerous awards and his images have appeared in many magazines, books and calendars.

Don Getty

Don Getty

Don Getty has been an avid wildlife photographer for over 20 years. He resides in Wyoming, just 30 miles from Yellowstone Park. He photographs birds, mammals, reptiles and just about any living creature he can get in front of his lens. Wildlife photography has taken him throughout the Rocky Mountain region of the US and Canada, East Africa, South Africa, Costa Rica, Florida and Churchill Manitoba. He has received numerous awards and his images have appeared in many magazines, books and calendars.

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