Costa Rica Update

Costa Rica Update

My second tour complete, so naturally, lots of editing waiting on the hard drives. Both of the 2013 tours were very successful, wonderful guests, amazing nature to see and photograph. This most recent trip was exceptional as we were able to stand in a farmers field and watch Quetzals with their nest. A tree line […]

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World Animal Day!

World Animal Day!

Oh hello strangers, been a while, eh? I’ve been a neglecting this blog for quite some time, apologies! I’ll attempt to be better about that. Here’s some old photos (I’m pretty sure I’ve posted most in the past) in honor of World Animal Day. I kinda dig the animal world, if that weren’t obvious…(from top […]

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The Sloth

The Sloth

There are six species of sloth in the world and all of them live in Central or South America. Sloth have to be one of the more unusual rainforest creatures due to their slow movement and habits. Sloth spend 99% of their lives in the trees and only come to the ground about once a […]

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