Costa Rica Photo Journal by Don Getty – Part 2 of 3

Costa Rica Photo Journal by Don Getty – Part 2 of 3

Day 4 was the day to move to Bosque De Paz Lodge. It was a rainy day – just fine for a little rainforest landscape photography and for photographing birds from under the eaves of the lodge. Why travel to a rainforest if a little rain slows you down!

Costa Rica Photo Journal by Don Getty – Part 2 of 3
Yellow-thighed Finch

Raidforest Landscape
Rainforest Landscape

Chestnut capped Brush finch
Chestnut-capped Brush-finch

Black Guans In Rain
Black Guans in Rain


Day 5 at Bosque De Paz was all about hummingbirds. Using high-speed flash setups, I photographed what seemed like an endless flow of hummingbirds. I used my 70-200mm lens at setting which allowed little ambient light to impact the exposure, thus allowing the flash to be the primary light source and freeze the motion. What a spectacular day! I hope you enjoy these images.

Voilet Sabrewing F
Voilet Sabrewing, Female

Purple throated Mountian gem F
Purple-throated Mountain-gem, Female

Purple throated Mountain gem
Purple-throated Mountain-gem, Male

Green crowned Brilliant Hummingbird
Green-crowned Brilliant Hummingbirds

Green Hermit Hummingbird
Green Hermit Hummingbird

On Day 6 we took a day-trip to Catarata Del Toro to photograph different species of hummingbirds. Again high-speed flash setups were used and the hummingbirds just kept flying into focus. My goal was to obtain high quality images of as many different species as possible and to get more than the birds with their beaks buried deep in the flowers. Because of the quick and erratic movement of the hummingbirds, focusing on the birds was virtually impossible for me. I pre-focused on the flower where I anticipated the birds to appear and didn’t even try to adjust the focus. Another wonderful day!

Violet Sabrewing
Violet Sabrewing

Rufous tailed Hummingbird
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird

Green Hermit Hummingbird1
Green Hermit Hummingbird

Coppery headed Emerald
Coppery-headed Emerald

Black bellied Hummingbird
Black-bellied Hummingbird

To see many more photos from this trip, go to

For Part 1 of my photo journal from Costa Rica go to

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Don Getty

Don Getty

Don Getty has been an avid wildlife photographer for over 20 years. He resides in Wyoming, just 30 miles from Yellowstone Park. He photographs birds, mammals, reptiles and just about any living creature he can get in front of his lens. Wildlife photography has taken him throughout the Rocky Mountain region of the US and Canada, East Africa, South Africa, Costa Rica, Florida and Churchill Manitoba. He has received numerous awards and his images have appeared in many magazines, books and calendars.

Don Getty

Don Getty

Don Getty has been an avid wildlife photographer for over 20 years. He resides in Wyoming, just 30 miles from Yellowstone Park. He photographs birds, mammals, reptiles and just about any living creature he can get in front of his lens. Wildlife photography has taken him throughout the Rocky Mountain region of the US and Canada, East Africa, South Africa, Costa Rica, Florida and Churchill Manitoba. He has received numerous awards and his images have appeared in many magazines, books and calendars.

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