Today (actually already yesterday – it’s late!) I headed down towards Eilat with Mark and Amity to join the Eilat Bird Festival /COTF / IBOC events.
We made a quick stop at Har Amasa that was simply brilliant. There were birds everywhere, and what quality.

I was really looking forward to arrive on site and hear the cicada-song of Pale Rock Sparrow as soon as I open the car windows – and that’s exactly what happened.
One of my favourite birds. Tens of them present, singing and displaying. Bliss.
We then birded the slopes and enjoyed every minute. On the ground and up in the air. The Persian Wheatear, still present, showed very well:
Still no success with that jump-shot exposing that tail pattern and pale underwing coverts:
Normal Rock Sparrow
Lots of gorgeous Cretzschmar’s Buntings present.
The females get photographed less – that’s unfair and discriminating:
Among them managed to find one Cinereous Bunting – at last grabbed a few snaps. Not the high quality I wanted, yet a photo-tick…
Photobombed by a fritillary
Desert Fritillary?
Drove all the way down to Eilat only to head straight back up to the Dead Sea region, leading a tour for the Eilat Bird Festival. It was a great tour, with top-quality species – African Swamphen, Desert Owl and Nubian Nightjar.
Now time to sleep. Good night!

Yoav Perlman
I have been birding since the age of 9, and from the age of 15 I started working professionally in birding. I have been working for the Israeli Ornithological Center since 1998. I was a member of the Israeli rarities committee between 2001 - 2007. I have an MSc in Ecology from the Ben Gurion University. I did my research on the ecology of Nubian Nightjars in Israel, and spent hundreds of nights with these fascinating birds. I lead tours in Israel, and especially focus on Nubian Nightjars obviously. I traveled and birded Asia extensively, and also Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and North America. I am married to my lovely wife Adva and father to two sons - Uri and Noam, and one daughter - Libby. Currently I live in Norwich, where I am starting a PhD project at UEA.
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