Today (actually already yesterday – it’s late!) I headed down towards Eilat with Mark and Amity to join the Eilat Bird Festival /COTF / IBOC events. We made a quick stop at Har Amasa that was simply brilliant. There were birds everywhere, and what quality. I was really looking forward to arrive on site and […]
Tag: sparrow

How embarrassing. I am still here, sort of. Been out at a really remote field site the last couple months and am venturing (somewhat unwillingly and very awkwardly) back into society at the moment. I had my first real shower in two months just yesterday- HA! I’m a huge dirtball and I just don’t care. […]

Mongolia – 19th May (Day 12) – Sangiin Dalai Lake, and Hustai National Park (Part 2)
Arriving at Bayan Nuur from Sangiin Dalai Lake it was immediately apparent that this lake was teaming with birdlife even though it was blowing a gale. Almost the first birds we picked up were a pair of stunning White-naped Crane on the far hillside with another pair closer in the reeds, we saw nine in […]

Glossy Ibis at Ely
First stop this morning was Kiln Lane Ely where we parked up and walked down the lane a few hundred yards to view the flooded fields. The first walk along the footpath failed to locate the Ibis that’s chosen to over winter in Cambridgeshire. As I walked back the Jims called to say the target […]

Dead Sea Sparrows still present – Jubail
The flock of eleven Dead Sea Sparrows found in the Jubail area on 26 February were still in the same general area on 4 March. This is only the second time this species has been seen in the Kingdom with the previous record also in the same area when a flock of 60 – 70 […]

Vesper Sparrow at Canal St.
I love Vesper’s Sparrows. They seem like Savannah Sparrows with an extra dash of class. This guy was hanging out with a bunch of Savannah Sparrows at my favorite little sparrow spot in Oviedo.

Bladder control, mild hypothermia and kinglets
It’s approximately 23 degrees in the library right now, so since I’ve lost the feeling in my hands and I’m banging around on the keyboard like a camel or something, I can’t write you up another novel this blog around. So here are just a few quick and very important notes: I saw The Waterboys […]

Passerines seen in April
In the dictionary the word passerine is described thus: passerine |ˈpasərin, -ˌrīn|Ornithology adjective – of, relating to, or denoting birds of a large order distinguished by feet that are adapted for perching, including all songbirds. noun – a passerine bird; a perching bird. The order Passeriformes comprises more than half of all bird species, the […]