Man kills grizzly bear that attacked him while he was picking huckleberries in Montana

Man kills grizzly bear that attacked him while he was picking huckleberries in Montana

A 72-year-old man shot and killed a grizzly that launched an attack on him while he was picking huckleberries, in what has been described by experts as a “surprise defensive encounter.”

The man was alone near Columbia Falls in Flathead National Forest lands about two miles (3.2km) north of Columbia Falls when the adult female charged him last Thursday. He suffered significant injuries before killing the bear with a handgun, according to the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

The man was later hospitalized. The victim’s name and further details on his condition were not released.

“Montana is bear country. People should be prepared to encounter grizzly or in Montana. Avoiding conflicts with is easier than dealing with conflicts,” the department said in the release. They advise carrying bear spray and traveling in groups in such areas.

The bear in this case was probably reacting defensively to protect its cubs, said department spokesperson Dillon Tabish, although no sightings of any actual cubs had been confirmed at the time the press release was issued.

Wildlife workers have set up cameras in the area to try to confirm the presence of any cubs. If cubs are found, it’s uncertain if they would be captured because it is difficult to find facilities qualified to take them, said Tabish.

“Depending on the age, we might leave them in the wild because they have a better chance of survival, rather than have to euthanize them.”

This article by Dave Golder was first published by Advnture on 22 July 2024. Lead Image: (Image credit: Getty).

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