New F1 Rules You Should Know About This Year

New F1 Rules You Should Know About This Year

If you are reading this article right now, then it is clear as day that you are either an already existing F1 fan or you have recently developed an interest for it. There are some new rules that have been introduced into F1 that we think it is important for you to know about, and we have highlighted those new rules in this article.

As an F1 fan, it’s essential that you keep yourself informed about all the upcoming races so that you don’t miss out on any. That means constantly checking schedules and watching all your favorite races. Don’t have cable? There is also an option for streaming and that too, commercial-free on ESPN or ABC, but that requires you to have an internet. Personally, I took advantage of the Spectrum internet offers so that I could never miss a race!

Coming back to the topic at hand, I have compiled those F1 rules together because I think that understanding those rules will help to make the races more enjoyable and engaging as well as keep you hooked for the next one!

F1 Rules You Need to Know About

Review Times

There is a significant difference in the way that review times work now. Review times usually sparked controversy once a team asks for an appeal for a situation that may have occurred in a previous race.

One element that they can use in this case is the right to a review which is a part of the FIA’s International Sporting Code. Teams may revisit previous decisions but only as long as they can provide something new that may have been missed by the reviewing committee. Previously, the time to do this was within 14 days from the decision, but now it has been reduced to 4 days.

Not only that, but teams will now also have to pay a deposit that is decided by the governing body and they will get the deposit back if they successfully prove their point. Plus, teams will have to put their points forth beforehand rather than arguing at the spot.

A Change in the Sprint Format

The sprint is returning to the 2024 season of F1 with a total of 6 events. Brazil will be hosting its fourth Sprint while Austria will be hosting its third. Qatar and Austin will be returning for the second time while China and Miami will host for the first time.

However, there are some minor changes that have introduced to the Sprint format. This year the Sprint Qualifying will take place on Friday instead of Saturday and there will be an initial, free practice session as well.

An Increase in the Fines

The appeals aren’t the only thing that have been changed for participating teams, there is a change in the amount of fines as well. If a driver or a team breaks a rule, they have to pay a hefty fine in order to compensate for it.

Earlier, the maximum fine that was imposed on a driver or a team under the International Sporting Code was €250,000 which is around $270,000 but it has now been increased by 4 times to an amount of €1 million! This means that drivers and teams would have to be super careful so that they don’t break any rules. This is another major change that we though you should know about.

Bigger and Better Promotional Events

There have been shakedown events going on through the year and you must be wondering how they are doing all that. Are they even allowed to? Truth is, they are. Teams are actually allowed to run their current cars on two occasions called promotional events and these events are usually used to film for partners.

Not only that, but these promotional events also allow teams to test out their cars to see whether or not they are giving the performance that they need. Previously, these events were limited to 100km of mileage in total, consolidating a total of 20 laps in a 5km circuit.

However, things have changed in 2024 as teams are now allowed to do double the distance as part of a day, but they are only limited to one event per day. The 200km extended cap allows teams to fully test out their cars and also film all the footage that they need for promotions.

Now you know about all the major changes that F1 has introduced this year, and this has made things a lot more interesting than what they used to be. This gives you all the more reason to catch up with F1 this season and enjoy all your favorite races. We absolutely love how they have finally increased the stakes!

Lead Image: Formulino, the secret cat king of the Imola F1 paddock.

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