Global shark deaths increasing despite finning bans, study shows

Global shark deaths increasing despite finning bans, study shows

Shark finning bans have had little effect on protecting global shark populations, according to new research. However, shark mortality decreased in pelagic fisheries, which suggests that regulatory measures in regional fisheries have had some positive impact. In a new study published in Science, an international team of researchers analyzed shark catch data from 150 countries […]

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Petition: Support Ethical Polar Bear Management Practices in Canada

Petition: Support Ethical Polar Bear Management Practices in Canada

In Churchill, Manitoba, a small, remote town known as ‘the polar bear capital of the world,’ a remarkable story of coexistence and conservation is unfolding. The town’s innovative and humane methods of managing polar bear encounters, including the Polar Bear Alert program and the polar bear holding facility, are making significant strides in balancing human […]

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Wild and Wonderful Saiga is No Longer Endangered with a Million Roaming Now in Central Asia

Wild and Wonderful Saiga is No Longer Endangered with a Million Roaming Now in Central Asia

Decades of hard work on the part of national and international conservation partners have reaped rich rewards for the saiga, one of the world’s most charismatic and, until recently, most endangered antelopes. The IUCN Red List status of this timeless talisman of the Central Asian steppes has been changed from Critically Endangered to Near Threatened. […]

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Scores of Endangered Butterflies Slated to Be Released Along California Coast Using .5 Million Private Grant

Scores of Endangered Butterflies Slated to Be Released Along California Coast Using $1.5 Million Private Grant

In California, a joint effort will oversee a multi-stage, four-year plan to help Behren’s silverspot butterfly return in numbers to the coastline of Northern California. Vitalized by a $1.5 million grant from the State of CA Wildlife Conservation Board, the Mendocino Land Trust (MLT) is planning to plant 35,000 early blue violets, the only plant […]

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Nearly 700 Swans Mysteriously Found Dead at Nature Reserve Near Site of Soviet-Era Nuclear Plant

Nearly 700 Swans Mysteriously Found Dead at Nature Reserve Near Site of Soviet-Era Nuclear Plant

Animal specialists in Kazakhstan are investigating the mysterious deaths of more than 600 swans whose corpses have been discovered in recent weeks at a nature preserve, near the site of a Soviet-era nuclear plant. The south Asian country’s Lake Karakol is home to a wide array of threatened wildlife – with the nation’s president describing […]

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