Learn About the Great Wildebeest Migration in 5 Spectacular Videos

Learn About the Great Wildebeest Migration in 5 Spectacular Videos

The Great Wildebeest Migration is one the most amazing wonders of the natural world, showcasing the planet’s largest movement of animals. Picture this: colossal herds of wildebeest, reaching up to 1,000 animals per square kilometer, creating vast columns that are visible even from the vantage point of space. This phenomenon involves over 1.2 million wildebeest, […]

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Mystery grows after Jaguar seen on trail camera in Arizona – the 8th sighting in the last 25 years of the animal rarely spotted in the US

Mystery grows after Jaguar seen on trail camera in Arizona – the 8th sighting in the last 25 years of the animal rarely spotted in the US

A new jaguar has was spotted in southern Arizona, becoming only the eighth documented in the southwest US since 1996, according to wildlife officials. Jason Miller, a hobbyist wildlife videographer, captured the elusive predator on December 20 on his trail camera in the Huachuca Mountains. A camera caught the animal around 8.27pm when motion was […]

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Buildings kill a billion US birds a year. These architects want to save them

Buildings kill a billion US birds a year. These architects want to save them

Chicago’s 82-story Aqua Tower appears to flutter with the wind. Its unusual, undulating facade has made it one of the most unique features of Chicago’s skyline, distinct from the many right-angled glass towers that surround it. In designing it, the architect Jeanne Gang thought not only about how humans would see it, dancing against the […]

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Controversial Shark Culling Program Claims Over 700 Marine Lives in Queensland

Controversial Shark Culling Program Claims Over 700 Marine Lives in Queensland

In 2023, more than 700 marine animals, including nine dolphins, fell victim to Queensland’s controversial shark culling program, utilizing shark nets and drum lines. The data, compiled by Conservation groups advocating against the program, sheds light on the death toll and raises renewed concerns about the effectiveness and ethics of these lethal measures. Despite being […]

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Cannibal tree frogs are invading the US: Human hand-sized amphibians from Cuba have been spotted in Georgia – and officials urge residents to ‘kill them’ on the spot

Cannibal tree frogs are invading the US: Human hand-sized amphibians from Cuba have been spotted in Georgia – and officials urge residents to ‘kill them’ on the spot

Cannibal tree frogs from Cuba are invading parts of the US – and wildlife officials are urging people to kill the amphibians on the spot. The warning is due to the human hand-sized frogs eating those native to North America, which would lead to ‘ecological problems.’ The invasive creature also’ secretes an irritating liquid from […]

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Neil the Seal Goes Viral, Prompting Concern for His Welfare

Neil the Seal Goes Viral, Prompting Concern for His Welfare

A three-year-old Southern Elephant seal, affectionately dubbed Neil the Seal, has gone viral on the internet. An Instagram account with the handle @neiltheseal22 has amassed over 65,000 followers. The account documents the antics of juvenile Neil, who already weighs a whopping 1,300 pounds. However, wildlife experts have raised concerns about the seal’s safety in the […]

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