Rare Seafaring Birds Follow Tropical Cyclones to Find Better Feeding Opportunities

Rare Seafaring Birds Follow Tropical Cyclones to Find Better Feeding Opportunities

A new study has found that a rare and wide-ranging North Atlantic seabird — Desertas petrel (Pterodroma deserta) — demonstrates unique foraging behaviors that involve following tropical cyclones during hurricane season in order to exploit the storms’ dynamic conditions. Unlike other seabirds who spend the majority of their lives flying above the open ocean, these […]

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Shocking moment an endangered basking shark is struck by a boat in Ireland’s National Marine Park is caught on camera – and scientists don’t know if it made it out alive

Shocking moment an endangered basking shark is struck by a boat in Ireland’s National Marine Park is caught on camera – and scientists don’t know if it made it out alive

Scientists have captured the shocking moment a boat collided with the UK’s largest shark. Scientists had fitted a ‘shark Fitbit’ with an integrated camera to the endangered shark as it swam off the coast of County Kerry, Ireland. Just six hours later, the seven metre-long female was struck by a boat passing through an area […]

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Personalized Plates: The Rise of Customized Catering Experiences

Personalized Plates: The Rise of Customized Catering Experiences

Indulge in a culinary journey like never before with personalized plates, where every bite tells a unique story tailored just for you. Say goodbye to ordinary dining and embrace a world where flavors, presentation, and experience are crafted exclusively to your preferences. Dive into a realm where creativity meets gastronomy, offering a delightful contrast to […]

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Wade Lemon, the Utah Outfitter Who Infamously Guided Donald Trump Jr., Will Do Prison Time for Running ‘Canned’ Mountain Lion Hunts

Wade Lemon, the Utah Outfitter Who Infamously Guided Donald Trump Jr., Will Do Prison Time for Running ‘Canned’ Mountain Lion Hunts

A Utah big-game outfitter who’s been investigated for alleged wildlife crimes in the past was sentenced in federal court Thursday for leading “canned” mountain lion hunts on public land in 2020 and 2021. The U.S. Attorney’s Office says that by profiting from the illegal hunts, wherein the clients unknowingly killed mountain lions that had been […]

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