National Geographic is set to release a heartwarming documentary exploring the unusual connection between a Shetland resident, Billy Mail, and a wild otter named Molly. Their remarkable story began in 2021 when Mail encountered Molly as a starving pup near his home. He initially expected the young otter to flee, but Molly, desperate for survival, […]
Will ‘Trump Part II’ be the wakeup call needed toward more effective conservation? (commentary)
What a week. The global biodiversity conference in Cali, Colombia (COP16) had just concluded. And then Trump got re-elected as President of the United States. Clearly the latter puts an enormous damper on the former. That is, if one believes that the Cali conference actually made significant progress in terms of tackling the biodiversity crisis. […]
From local pond to outback dunny, Australia’s biggest frog count is here – and researchers need your help
They moan, hum, whistle and click, and can be found almost everywhere, from the neighbourhood pond to the most remote outback dunny. From Friday to 17 November, people across the country are encouraged to take part in FrogID week, Australia‘s biggest frog count. The annual event, now in its seventh year, aims to collect thousands […]
Critical: Jaguars Injured During Raging Wildfires in Brazil Need Your Help Now!
Wildfires devastated Brazil’s Pantanal over the summer, scorching over 3 million acres—an area the size of New Jersey. The fires spread rapidly, endangering wildlife, including threatened species like jaguars. Many perished in the flames, while those who escaped suffered from severe burns and smoke inhalation. One such jaguar, Itapira, was found lying motionless in a […]
Study shows, via clouded leopards, how to better protect forests
Protected areas are intended to protect the species and habitats they contain. When well-managed, they can result in clean water, healthy soils, and reduced poaching pressure, all of which can spill over to nourish and replenish surrounding areas. But new research from Borneo suggests we could improve the performance of these sanctuaries of life by […]
Inspired by Nature: Baby Cot Designs That Mimic Wildlife Nests
Imagine if your baby’s crib could recreate the relaxing sensation of a bird’s nest. Nature-inspired designs provide extensive benefits beyond looks. These cots offer a comfortable, safe environment that soothes your child. For instance, a baby cot Singapore product designed with natural themes combines functionality with aesthetics. From turtle tunnel crossings to bee hotels, several […]
Outrage against Canada’s Marineland theme park after fifth beluga dies
A fifth beluga has died at Canada’s Marineland, as questions mount over the future of both the controversial theme park and one of the world’s largest populations of captive whales. The most recent fatality marks the 17th beluga to die at the Niagara Falls aquarium since 2019. Neither the Ontario government nor the park have […]
The Forest Service Gets a Slap on Their Prairie Dog Killing Plan
On the Thunder Basin National Grassland of northeastern Wyoming, the livestock industry has been pursuing an aggressive campaign to expand poisoning and shooting of prairie dogs. And in 2020, the Forest Service gave them a plan amendment that radically expanded prairie dog killing, and eliminated a special designation of a Black-footed Ferret Reintroduction Area to […]