A horrifying event unfolded in Prunedale, California, as a local man unleashed a three-hour shooting spree killing 80 animals, including miniature horses, goats, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, ducks and birds. This devastating incident highlights a severe gap in our gun safety laws that fail to protect all lives – human and animal alike. While it’s […]
Wisconsin boy, 12, shoots bear as it mauls his father
A 12-year-old boy fatally shot a black bear as it was mauling his father in the US state of Wisconsin, say wildlife officials. Owen Beierman, 12, took aim at the bear as it pinned down his dad while they were on a legal hunting trip. “Owen was a hero,” Ryan Beierman, 43, told the Minneapolis […]
VOTE for the Best Photo of the Month September 2024
Welcome to the “Best Photo of the Month” competition showcasing and celebrating the biodiversity of Planet Earth. Voting is easy and lots of fun. By popular request the number of images to be selected has been increased to six. First click an image and the slideshow will start automatically. Select the SIX images you like best […]
Glue in the face: How frogs’ sticky secretions defend them from attack
Many of us are familiar with the story of The Frog Prince, where a princess kisses a frog, and to her surprise, it transforms into a human prince. In reality, many frog species produce poison in their skin, the effects of which can range from mild nausea to death, so this display of affection is […]
4 Best Lake Trails in Picos de Europa National Park
Are you dreaming of a peaceful retreat in Spain? This country is a paradise for hikers – every corner deserves to be explored. However, the Picos de Europa National Park, located in the northern region of Spain, remains a special place that is visited by millions of nature enthusiasts every year. This area is known […]
Scientists Warn of New Pathway for Bird Flu to Reach Australia
Researchers have discovered a new potential route for the spread of an aggressive strain of bird flu to Australia, linked to the behavior of certain migratory birds. These birds, known for stealing food from other species, could inadvertently transmit the virus as they travel across borders. Australia remains the only continent that has not yet […]
Are Canadian Geese Federally Protected?
As spring approaches and Canadian geese begin their annual migration, many people wonder about the legal status of these majestic birds. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a property owner, or simply curious about wildlife regulations, it’s important to understand the protections in place for Canadian geese. Are Canadian geese federally protected? Canadian geese are federally […]
As bears fatten up this fall and enter CT homes at record levels, wildlife officials urge caution
Ah, fall in Connecticut. It’s a beautiful time of year: bright leaves and crisp air coalescing into the perfect backdrop for a season of harvest and, if you’re a hungry black bear, hyperphagia. Wait, hyper-what? “Hyperphagia” is science-speak for what wildlife officials more casually call the annual “power-eating marathon” of Connecticut’s black bears. And these […]