Han pasado 20 meses desde la primera vez que fotografié a la Urraca morada en Paso de la Patria / Corrientes, nunca volví a observarla hasta que nuevamente encontré un pequeño grupo de estas aves en la Estancia Don Joaquín en Formosa. En esta oportunidad compartí el avistaje con Willy y Amado mientras recorríamos un […]
Damselflies and others
In my former post I told you that for taking pictures of damselflies you have to get up early. That’s because these animals need sunshine to warm up. This warmth they need to move. As long as they are not warm enough they do not fly away. So that is the time to make shots […]
Pijuí frente gris (Sooty-fronted spinetail)
Intentar fotografiar un Pijuí despejado y con pocas ramas enfrente es algo bastante complicado; si bien son bastante confiados en su comportamiento el ambiente en el que habitan constituye un verdadero dolor de cabeza para el fotógrafo; son aves que se mueven en el estrato bajo y denso y no hay muchos lugares descubiertos a […]
Growing Damselfly after emerging
Although I had never post macro pictures overhere it’s what I like most to photograph. With this new blog I’ll hope to show you some of my macro pictures and I like to start with a serie of a damselfly growing after she emerged her former home. The picture on top of this blog is […]
Pepitero verdoso (Green-winged Saltator)
De los muchos Pepiteros verdoso que vimos en Formosa solo esté se dejó fotografiar mientras caminábamos por un sendero en la Estancia Don Joaquín. Había visto fotos de este lugar que sacó Amado en sus viajes anteriores y tuvimos la mala suerte de que los bañados estaban todos secos debido a que hacía mas de […]
Fio Fio (Elaenia albiceps) and Wasp
I was waiting for a hummingbird when this Fio Fio (Elaenia albiceps chilensis) perches on this flower. Suddenly the wasp appears attracting his attention. Result: unexpected meal. Note: Thanks very much to all who votes for my “Andean hummingbird” for best photo of the year 2012.
A Winter’s Morning At Zoar Wetland, Ohio
The past few nights here in the southern portion of Northeast Ohio have been in the teens, so I’ve been thinking about the “odd couple” at Zoar Wetland. This past autumn, a goose and brown duck (no one seems to know the proper name, although it does resemble a Mallard), took up residence at the […]
Best Photo of the Year Competition Ended 2012
We are pleased to announce the winners of our “Best Photo of the Year Competition 2012”, which had the highest subscriber participation of any of our previous competitions. Walter Baliero is the clear winner of First Prize with his outstanding photo “Andean hummingbird”. Fabiola Forns wins Second Prize with “Atlantic Puffin with Sand Eel” and […]