The Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise hide on Waigeo Island, Raja Ampat is reached after a 30 minute to one hour hike uphill in the morning (0.29752°S, 130.94156°E). It is a pretty hard walk uphill and consequently we arrived sweaty to the hide before dawn. As it was best not to be more than three people in a […]
Ferruginous Duck – Aythya nyroca
The Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca) is a duck from Eurasia. It is a medium-sized diving duck. Their habitat: marshes and lakes with a metre or more water depth. They breed in southern and eastern Europe and southern and western Asia. They are often migrating in the winter and fly to the south and into north […]
Rare Art Works by John James Audubon at Auction on December 5th Part IV
A rare collection of 82 original, hand-colored engravings of birds and quadrupeds by John James Audubon will come under the hammer in New York on 5th December 2012. “The Birds of America” was published in London between 1827 and 1838 by Robert Havell. Although some items will be purchased by art galleries for public display, […]
American White Pelicans return to Placida Harbor, Florida
The American White Pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) have returned to Placida Harbor, Florida for the winter. One of America’s largest birds, and much larger than the common Brown Pelican, the American Whites breed only on North America’s inland prairies, but winter on the southern coast. A great place to get a close-up view is Placida Harbor….near […]
Rare Art Works by John James Audubon at Auction on December 5th Part III
A rare collection of 82 original, hand-colored engravings of birds and quadrupeds by John James Audubon will come under the hammer in New York on 5th December 2012. “The Birds of America” was published in London between 1827 and 1838 by Robert Havell. Although some items will be purchased by art galleries for public display, […]
It’s all arachnid-y in here
I just realized I have a pretty hefty backlog of photographs from this spring and summer still, which is cool since two of my lenses aren’t really working right now and I’m not sure when I can get them fixed. So today you will have spiders. Snazzy spiders. They’re not gonna hurt you, don’t worry. […]
Rare Art Works by John James Audubon at Auction on December 5th Part II
A rare collection of 82 original, hand-colored engravings of birds and quadrupeds by John James Audubon will come under the hammer in New York on 5th December 2012. “The Birds of America” was published in London between 1827 and 1838 by Robert Havell. Although some items will be purchased by art galleries for public display, […]