Nepal’s first community-based red panda conservation area sparks hope

Nepal’s first community-based red panda conservation area sparks hope

KATHMANDU — A hilly town close to Nepal’s eastern border with India has declared an area under its jurisdiction as the country’s first community-based red panda (Ailurus fulgens) conservation area, fueling hope for the endangered species’ long-term survival. The Puwamajhuwa area, spread over 116.21 hectares (287.16 acres) of lush-green temperate broad-leaved trees, incorporates two community-managed […]

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Does anything eat porcupines? Surely its spiky quills protects it from predators?

Does anything eat porcupines? Surely its spiky quills protects it from predators?

Can any animals eat porcupines? Surely not as porcupine quills present an impenetrable thicket to most predators. But these backward-pointing defences are only effective if the rodent can keep its assailant to its rear. What animals can eat porcupines? In North America, pumas and fishers (marten-like mammals) are skilled porcupine predators, outmanoeuvring their quarry to […]

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This bird came back from extinction – now scientists in an aircraft are teaching it to migrate

This bird came back from extinction – now scientists in an aircraft are teaching it to migrate

The northern bald ibis was extinct in central Europe for 300 years. Now, it has returned – and scientist “foster parents” aboard a tiny plane are teaching the birds to fly their long-forgotten migration routes. Thirty-six of these endangered birds are now following an ultralight aircraft 1,740 miles (2,800km ) from Austria to Spain, on […]

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Tiger Sharks Off the Coast of Brazil Found Ingesting Rare Earth Elements from Modern Technology

Tiger Sharks Off the Coast of Brazil Found Ingesting Rare Earth Elements from Modern Technology

Recent research has revealed that tiger sharks off the southern coast of Brazil are ingesting contaminants commonly found in modern technology, including rare earth elements (REEs) used in cellphones and electric cars. These metals, crucial for various high-tech devices, have been detected in alarming amounts within the tissues of these apex predators. Scientists, led by […]

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