Australia Could Prevent Thousands of Bats From Being Killed Each Year by Wind Turbines With Simple Fix, Study Finds

Australia Could Prevent Thousands of Bats From Being Killed Each Year by Wind Turbines With Simple Fix, Study Finds

Wind farm operators in Australia are being encouraged to use the simple method of curtailment — increasing the wind speed required for turbines to start rotating — which a new study has found can drastically lower how many bats are killed by the enormous blades. The tactic is already being used in the United States, […]

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Sharks are taking a bite out of anglers’ catch in the Gulf of Mexico, but culling isn’t likely to help

Sharks are taking a bite out of anglers’ catch in the Gulf of Mexico, but culling isn’t likely to help

Fishermen across the Gulf of Mexico are reporting that something is eating fish off their lines. What’s to blame? Many recreational anglers point a finger at sharks. This conflict has caught politicians’ attention. Congress has directed the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which regulates fishing in U.S. waters, to review shark and dolphin interactions with […]

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